Penske Honda Ontario

Dec 15, 2023

If you’re driving along and steam starts pouring out from under the hood, then it’s a sure sign you need a radiator repair. However, there are other symptoms of radiator trouble that can show up before your engine overheats. If you know the signs that your Honda needs its radiator fixed, then you’ll know when to head to the Honda dealer before the problem gets too bad.

The Importance of Knowing When Your Honda Needs a Radiator Repair

Your radiator is the central part of your car’s cooling system, and it does one of the most important jobs of any of the components under your hood. Your cooling system cycles coolant through your engine to absorb heat. Without the coolant absorbing the heat, your engine would overheat. The coolant is then brought back to the radiator, which removes the excess heat from the liquid.

If your radiator, or any other part of the cooling system, is faulty, then your vehicle is at risk of overheating. Your engine can’t regulate its temperature without the help of your car’s entire cooling system, so knowing the signs that something is wrong is vital.

Signs You Need to Head to the Honda Dealer to Get Your Radiator Fixed


A lot of your radiator is made of metal, which can rust if it comes into contact with moisture. Sometimes moisture may get under your hood from outside, but other times, that moisture may come from a coolant leak. These leaks are usually small, splattering the radiator with only a tiny amount of coolant. The coolant evaporates rapidly, but moisture spots are left behind. Over time, these spots start to rust.


Rusty spots on the radiator aren’t the only sign of a coolant leak. One huge sign of a leak is a puddle of coolant under your car. Coolant has a very sweet smell and is bright in color, so it’s difficult to miss it if it’s pooling under the vehicle.

The other sign that your car is leaking coolant is a rapidly falling coolant level. Check your vehicle’s fluid levels every few weeks, and take note of how much liquid Is in the system each time. If there’s a lot less coolant in the car than there was the last time you checked, then you might have a leak.

Rising Temperature

Keep an eye on your temperature gauge, and note if it starts showing that your car is running hotter than it used to. That can be a sign that there’s something wrong with the cooling system, so you should visit the dealer before the problem gets worse.

Come to Penske Honda Ontario so we can fix your radiator at the earliest sign of trouble. We’ll also check on your radiator during routine maintenance to catch issues as early as possible.